Improving Trauma Care Worldwide


All committees report to the ITLS Board of Directors.

2024-2025 Committee Terms

Committee terms are effective March 1, 2024, through November 2025. Committee members will be eligible to reapply for reappointment to serve on this committee after the completion of your term.

Volunteers of ITLS are expected to:

  • Understand and be familiar with your committee’s mission and goals
  • Actively participate in all committee meetings including teleconference calls, in-person meetings, and related programs. Most meetings are held quarterly unless otherwise noted
  • Prepare for the meeting by reviewing the agenda and ready to make knowledge-based decisions if requested
  • Communicate with your fellow committee members and chairs during meetings, via email, and other methods as deemed necessary
  • Actively participate and collaborate in all committee tasks/projects as assigned
  • View and understand the ITLS Volunteer Orientation
  • Reach out to the ITLS Staff Liaison and ITLS Committee Chair(s) if you have questions or ideas to share

    Awards, Bylaws & Nominating Committee
    Conference Planning Committee
    Conference Competition Committee
    Editorial Board
    Finance Committee
    Marketing & Communications Committee
    Regional Forum Committee
    Strategic Development & Support Advisory Committee

    Awards, Bylaws & Nominating Committee

    Chair: Wilhemina (Elsabe) Nel, MD

    Leon Charpentier, EMT-P
    Enrico Corsi, RN
    Robert Ferland, EMT-P
    Aaron Jeanette, BS, NRP

    Ginny Kennedy Palys – Staff Liaison (
    Brittney Tambeau – Staff Liaison (

    Mission/Purpose: To foster diverse opportunities in identifying, supporting, and evaluating strategies for future leaders of ITLS through awards & recognition and serving as the guiding body to ITLS to maintain the highest standards of governance and ethical practices within the organization.


      • Draft bylaw changes as identified by delegates and the Board of Directors and prepare for submission to the Board for review as per the bylaws

        Conference Planning Committee

        Chair: Rita Chambers, BBA, NRP, EMSI and George Scott, ACP

        Audrey (Liz) Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN
        Jay Cruise, ACP
        David Garvey, MD, FACEP
        Billy Eldridge, EMT-P
        Shawn Flood, PCP
        Mary Hancock, MD, FACEP
        Aaron Jeanette, BS, NRP (Board Liaison)
        Lois Lane, RN
        Simon-Luc Lavoie, CD, QL6A Med Tech, CSSMET, Stds/CP, AECP
        Mike O’Donnell, ACP
        Michael Rushing, NRP, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, CFRN, TCRN, CCRN-CMC
        Westlie Powell, BS, CCEMTP, NRP
        Donna Strong, EMT-P

        Mary Taylor – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: To effectively plan, develop, manage, and execute all sections of the annual International Trauma Conference.

        The committee is dedicated to upholding ITLS excellence in education, training, and research through preconference workshops, programming, speaker selection, collaboration, and strategies to enrich the learning experience at the annual conference.


        • Create an annual work plan and timeline for program development and meetings that designate responsibility for official action on behalf of ITLS and forward it to the Board for action
        • Continue to review current conference planning needs and develop a strategy for future meetings
        • Create workgroups as needed to support committee goals and initiatives

        Conference Competition Committee

        Chair: Mike O’Donnell, ACP

        Amy Boise, NREMT-P, FP-C
        Rita Chambers, BBA, NRP, EMSI
        Audrey (Liz) Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN
        Jay Cruise, ACP (Local Representative)
        Billy Eldridge, EMT-P (Co-Chair)
        Joseph Farmer, EMT-P
        Jeff Gilliard, Medc, PMD, NRP, CCEMTP, FPM (Board Liaison)
        Mary Hancock, MD, FACEP
        Yurij Kryvonos, MD, PhD
        Danny Kustra, CCP, B.Sc.P.
        Kevin Merritt, NRP, CCEMTP
        Linda Sims, RN
        Marjie Sockler, RN
        Donna Strong, EMT-P
        Gabriele Tutino, EMT
        Chen Zhi, MD

        Mary Taylor – Staff Liaison (
        Brooke Egly – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: To create a dynamic and challenging program in alignment with ITLS principles that enhances participants’ skills and knowledge and fosters innovation to excel in trauma care.


        • Ensure the scenarios are challenging and use the best implementations, such as high-fidelity training
          • Develop ITLS-driven high-fidelity scenarios over two preliminary days of competition, culminating in a challenging final scenario day. There will be three (3) final scenarios for teams to manage, and scoring will be cumulative
        • Compose innovative scenarios that meet ITLS’s mission and vision expectations
        • Develop security of scenarios and judgment material with appropriate measures meeting ITLS’s goal
        • Ensure fair and nondiscriminatory competition that advances the ITLS community
        • At all times provide a safe environment for all teams and participants during the competition

        Editorial Board

        Chair: Jonathan Fannin, BA, NRP, FP-C, MCCP
        Vice Chair: Simon-Luc Lavoie, CD, QL6A Med Tech, CSSMET, Stds/CP, AECP

        Christopher Blake, BSN, RN, CFRN, NR-P, EMS-I
        Audrey (Liz) Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN (Board Liaison)
        Amy Eisenhauer, EMT, PI
        Luis Figuereido, RN
        Kyee Han, MBBS, FRCS, FRCEM (Associate Editor)
        Aaron Jeanette, BS, NRP (Board Liaison)
        Aurora Lybeck, MD
        Howie Mell, MD, MPH, CPE, FACEP
        Bob Page, Med, NRP, CCP, NCEE
        Antonio Requena Lopez, MD
        Alex Sammel, MD
        Paulo Santos, PostDoc, PhD, MSc, RN
        Todd Soard, NPMD, PhD, EdD
        Matt Sztajnkrycer, MD, PhD, FACEP

        Ginny Kennedy Palys – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: To ensure the continuous improvement of ITLS programs, materials, and methodologies, promoting excellence in trauma care education worldwide.


        • Review current literature and science relevant to ITLS with consideration for impact on curriculum
        • Evaluate and implement an effective educational methodology for the delivery of ITLS programs to diverse audiences
        • Provide expert advice and content to support ITLS communications vehicles on education and trauma
        • Review current student manuals, instructor manuals, audio-visual materials, and evaluation tools for interim and subsequent editions ensuring consistency and adherence to the ITLS principles for all content and materials bearing the ITLS logo and name
        • Ensure that course materials are updated in a coordinated timely manner in co-operation with the publisher
        • Provide input into translations of ITLS products as needed
        • Identify and consider future needs and potential for publications, curriculum development products, and training for Board action
        • Review new educational proposals and products
        • Provide oversight for educational material development for ITLS

        Finance Committee

        Chair: Richard N. Bradley, MD, FACEP, EMT-P

        Audrey (Liz) Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN
        Nicholas P. Cozzi, MD, MBA, FACEP
        Jeffery D. Gilliard, MEdc, PMD/NRP/CCEMTP/FPM
        Aaron Jeanette, BS, NRP
        Eric Roy, Major, BMaSc, MBA-HCM, OSJ, CD1

        Ginny Kennedy Palys – Staff Liaison (
        Monika Scigaj – Staff Liaison (
        Jennifer Wenthen – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: Provides financial oversight and fiscal management for the Organization, including budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, auditing, and monitoring accountability policies.


        • Evaluate current strategies for assessing financial viability and responsibility
        • Review the operating budget with the ED for the calendar/fiscal year and submit it to the Board of Directors for approval
        • Work closely with the Executive Director and the Board to monitor the budget and fiscal impact of the Board’s strategic plan on the budget at least quarterly
        • Work closely with the Executive Director to monitor existing financial policies and procedures to ensure consistency with the current operating structure and management services contract
        • Identify areas requiring policies and procedures and draft language for approval by the Board of Directors
        • Work closely with the Executive Director to investigate, solicit, and secure funding for ITLS with input from appropriate committees

        Marketing & Communications Committee

        Chair: Chrissie Kerr

        Aaron Coffey, EMT-P (Co-Chair)
        Nicholas Cozzi, MD, MBA, FACEP
        Aaron Jeanette, BS, NRP
        Trevor Pearson
        Eric Roy, Major, BMaSc, MBA-HCM, OSJ, CD1 (Board Liaison)

        Brittney Tambeau – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: To raise awareness of the ITLS brand, mission, and goals on a global scale through cultivating and strengthening relationships.


        • Implement elements of the strategic plan for delivery of ITLS information to internal and external groups about new material including through social media, electronic, and traditional communication vehicles
        • Investigate translations of communications vehicles for information delivery

        Regional Forum Committee

        Chair: Jacky Chan, DN, MSc, BN, RN, FSSH, FHKAN

        Richard Bradley, MD, EMT-P 
        Audrey (Liz) Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN (Board Liaison)
        Genaro “Gary” Eudela, BSN, RN
        Kyee Han, MBBS, FRCS, FRCEM
        Youta Kanesaki, EMT-P
        Jurji Kryvonos, MD
        Daniel Ndemera, Ambulance Technician
        Jonatan Andres Rocabado Vidaurre, MD
        Paulo Santos, PostDoc, PhD, MSc, RN
        Chen Zhi, MD

        Brooke Egly – Staff Liaison (
        Sue McDonough – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: To foster the exchange of solutions, address challenges, share best practices, and disseminate valuable information through peer learning.


        • Identify region-specific issues and assist Chapters and training centres
        • Gather regional intelligence on behalf of the Strategic Development & Support Advisory Committee
        • Provide a venue where Chapters and training centres can provide support and mentorship including quality improvement at the request of the Board of Directors
        • Collaborate and develop a regional blueprint for identifying ITLS growth opportunities

        Strategic Development & Support Advisory Committee

        Chair: Ron Kowalik, BPHE, ACP

        Walid Abougalala, MD
        Rita Chambers, BBA, NRP, EMSI
        Audrey (Liz) Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, FAEN
        Aaron Coffey, EMT-P
        Robert Gross, MD, MSCE
        Kory Lane, RN
        Wilhemina (Elsabe) Nel, MD (Board Liaison)
        Weslie Powell, BS, CCEMTP, NRP, Tactical Medic
        Bob Sklar, NRP

        Sue McDonough – Staff Liaison (
        Brooke Egly – Staff Liaison (

        Mission/Purpose: To coordinate strategic planning and goal development and monitors achievement of goals and objectives and provides reports to the Board.

        To develop a structure that allows for engaged committee leadership and membership that can address the ITLS Committee mandates while maintaining committee continuity and a line of succession.


        • Develop and implement strategies, with ITLS Board approval, to improve and promote worldwide trauma care
        • Identify new strategic partnerships and support existing partnerships
        • Determine barriers and challenges to promoting ITLS within the ITLS community
        • Assist staff to foster the formation of new ITLS chapters and training centres
        • Provide a support network for existing and potential chapters and training centres