Improving Trauma Care Worldwide

News Archive

Dr. Ray Fowler Named First Holder of Atkins Emergency Medical Services Professorship

Dr. Raymond L. Fowler, one of the original authors of the BTLS (now ITLS) textbook and program, has been named the inaugural holder of the James M. Atkins, M.D., Professorship in Emergency Medical Services at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Fowler is also Chief of the Division of Emergency Medical Services at UT Southwestern. The Atkins […]

Leaders Elected for ITLS European Regional Forum

ITLS is excited to announce the launch of a new Regional Forums program for chapters and training centres. The program is designed to improve communication among ITLS chapters and training centres and to provide an avenue for mentoring and development of new ITLS leaders and programs. Europe has been selected to serve as the pilot […]

ITLS Mourns the Loss of Dr. Jere Baldwin

Dr. Jere Baldwin was the third Board Chair of Basic Trauma Life Support which is now International Trauma Life Support. Jere was a leader and contributor from the very beginning of our course and organization. Jere was always reliable and gave so much of his time and talent to improve prehospital Trauma care around the […]

Announcing the Publication of the Pediatric ITLS 3rd Edition Update – 2017

ITLS is pleased to announce the release of the Pediatric Trauma Life Support 3rd Edition Update – 2017! The new materials align with the changes published in the 8th Edition International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers. They have been updated to reflect the latest guidance for pediatric patients on spinal motion restriction, airway […]

ITLS Leaders Honored with Annual Awards at International Trauma Conference

Four individuals were honored at the conference with ITLS’ annual awards. Pete Gianas, MD, of Florida, was presented with the Jackie Campbell Award. This special award is ITLS’ highest honor and recognizes individuals for their enduring service as “the wind beneath our wings.” Dr. Gianas is a former ITLS Board member and longtime medical director […]

Reminder: Conference Hotel Room Block Expires October 4

The conference room block at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk, site of the 2016 International Trauma Conference, expires Tuesday, October 4, 2016. If you have not yet made hotel accommodations, make sure to do so before October 4, 2016, to receive the discounted rate. Note that the conference hotel is expected to be sold out […]

ITLS Board of Directors Candidate Materials Available for 2016

At the 2016 International Trauma Conference in San Antonio, Texas, ITLS chapter delegates will elect three members to the organization’s Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee has slated four candidates to stand for election to the Board: Board Candidates: Tony Connelly, EMT-P, BHSc, PGCEd. Miles O. Darby, EMT-P Gianluca Ghiselli, MD Ron Kowalik, ACP Each […]

ITLS Mourns Loss of North Carolina Coordinator

The ITLS family mourns the loss of a dear friend, staunch supporter, and dedicated educator. Terry DeRhodes, longtime ITLS North Carolina coordinator, passed away Tuesday. Terry has been involved with ITLS/BTLS since 1988 and served as North Carolina Chapter Coordinator for more than 15 years. Terry never missed an International Trauma Conference, made ITLS friends […]

ITLS 2016-17 Committee Cycle Open for Applications

The ITLS Committee cycle is changing in 2016-17. Effective this year, Committee appointments will begin at the 2016 International Trauma Conference and conclude directly before the 2017 International Trauma Conference. Committee applications are due September 30, 2016. You will receive notification of committee appointments by October 17, 2016. Organizational meetings for the Committees will be […]

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