Who? Daniel Patterson, PhD, NRP from the University of Pittsburgh Department of Emergency Medicine is leading a research study that seeks to examine the impact of a sleep health and fatigue education and training program tailored to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) clinicians. This research study has financial support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration […]
The National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO), in collaboration with the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), is leading a project to develop an evidence-based guideline (EBG) for the pharmacologic management of acute pain in the prehospital setting. One of the most frequent conditions encountered by […]
The Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented in the scale and challenges it presents. The ITLS family must play its part in keeping our communities safe. For that reason, we have had some difficult decisions to make. These decisions were necessary to ensure the safety of the instructor and student network as well as allowing the continuity […]
ITLS recognizes that students worldwide may need or want to obtain ITLS Provider certification during the pandemic period, when many courses are not able to be held in person due to public health and safety concerns. The ITLS Board of Directors has approved alternate pathways for achieving ITLS Provider certification during this unprecedented time. There […]
Due the the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, ITLS’ course reporting and payment deadline of March 31 has been extended to May 17. This deadline is for payments and course rosters to be submitted to ITLS International in order to be included in the delegate allocations for the 2020 Business Sessions at the International Trauma Conference. Delegate […]
Review the latest resource from the ITLS Editorial Board! The ITLS Editorial Board has just published a brief “Current Thinking” position paper on COVID-19 and trauma care. DOWNLOAD: Care of the Trauma Patient in the Age of COVID-19 (March 2020) “Current Thinking” topics include position papers and documents of use and interest to […]
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Defense recommends immediately discontinuing STOP THE BLEED® training until May 1st, 2020. The DoD will re-evaluate the situation at that time and make further recommendations. According to the statement released by the DoD on March 20: “Discontinuing training will help our nation’s urgent need to maintain […]
With precautionary measures that include travel restrictions and group gathering limitations being imposed worldwide to help control the spread of COVID-19, International Trauma Life Support offers the following interim guidance on conducting ITLS courses and certification expiration date issues that may arise during this period of global uncertainty: Download PDF – Interim Guidance from ITLS […]
With the health and safety of all in mind in regard to COVID-19, International Trauma Life Support staff will be working remotely starting Monday, March 16. Staff will be available during normal business hours, reachable by email and voicemail. Find staff contact information here. We know so many of our ITLS family are affected similarly […]
It is with great sadness that ITLS announces that past ITLS Board member Walter Bradley, MD, MBA, FACEP, passed away at his home on February 9. View Walter’s obituary and arrangements Walter served as Chair of the ITLS Board of Directors for 4 years. He actively assisted in global development and promotion of the ITLS […]