Improving Trauma Care Worldwide

News Archive

National Volunteer Week

Thank you to all ITLS Volunteers. ITLS is stronger every day because of your hard work and dedication to the support of our quality of trauma care. We appreciate each and every one of you!

A Message from ITLS Chairman Anthony Connelly, EMT-P, BhSc, QAM, PGced

Dear ITLS Family, Over this holiday season, I hope you are enjoying some quality time with your family and friends. As we start a new year, I thought I would reflect on the achievements of ITLS in 2022 and what we can look forward to in 2023. The ITLS Board of Directors prepared and implemented […]

Editorial Board Update

We want to welcome Jonathan Epstein, NREMT-P, MEMS as our Editorial Board Chair as well as to give a sad farewell to Kyee Han, MBBS, FRCS, FRCEM for his time as Chair of the Editorial Board. Thank you both so much for all your efforts with the ITLS Editorial Board.

ITLS 2022 Newly Elected Board Members, Award Winners, and more!

The International Trauma Conference 2022 in Tampa, FL was a huge success. We want to thank everyone who came out and was involved in making it such a memorable time. We want to congratulate our newly elected board member: Jurij Kryvonos, MD, PhD And our re-elected board members: Liz Cloughessy, AM, RN, Mast Health Mgt, […]

ITLS Call for Awards Nominations 2022

ITLS awards are presented to individuals who made significant contributions to the promotion of ITLS, its educational programs, and its chapters and training centres. Awards recipients are chosen by the Board of Directors prior to the annual International Trauma Conference each fall. Awards: Medical Director of the Year: named in honor of ITLS’ founder the […]

Call For ITLS Nominations

ITLS will elect three members of the Board of Directors and the Speaker and Vice Speaker in 2022. Elections will be held by electronic ballot in the fall prior to the 2022 annual meeting on Thursday, November 3 at the Hilton Downtown Tampa, Florida.   Interested persons should review the Board qualifications statement and 2022 […]

National Guideline for the Field Triage of Injured Patients

In the United States, unintentional injury remains the leading cause of death and years of potential life lost among children and young adults, and the third most common cause of death overall. Injury is the most common reason for use of 9-1-1 emergency medical services (EMS) in the US, with EMS playing a critical role […]

Congrats to Dr. Roy Alson PhD, MD, FACEP

On behalf of ITLS we are happy to share the news that Roy has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 ACEP Disaster Medical Sciences Award. The award will be conferred during ACEP 2022 in San Fransisco in October. Roy Alson PhD, MD, FACEP is Editor-in Chief for ITLS.

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