Improving Trauma Care Worldwide

2021 Board Elections Update

The ITLS Board of Directors has recognized that delegates who would like to attend the ITLS conference and business meeting may not be able to do so this year because of travel restrictions imposed by some governments and employers. While the meetings are still several months away, the Board has developed a plan to ensure that the chapters’ voices are heard during the upcoming Board elections*.

The Board has concluded that the organization will conduct an electronic election of Board members this year. We have hired counsel in Alabama where BTLS/ITLS is incorporated and will keep the election consistent with state laws and the BTLS/ITLS articles of incorporation. There will be some slight deviations from the bylaws which counsel has advised are acceptable due to the pandemic.

Later this week we will send each chapter their 2021 delegate report showing the number of delegates that have been allotted based on the number of students trained in 2019 and 2020 that were paid by March 31, 2021.

The ITLS Nominating Committee will announce the 2021 call for nominations later this week. They will also provide qualification criteria for nominees. Because there will not be an opportunity to question the nominees at the meeting prior to the election, the Nominating Committee will also announce strategies for the delegates to get to know the nominees.

Here are some important dates to note:

  • September 3, 2021: Deadline for chapters to send delegates’ names and email addresses to ITLS.
    • Remember delegates must be an ITLS provider, instructor, or administrative person in your chapter.
    • Because voting will take place electronically, no alternate delegates will be designated.
  • September 23, 2021: ITLS will send electronic ballots to all delegates.
    • Write-in votes will be allowed.
  •  October 21, 2021: Final date when electronic ballots can be submitted.

The results of the election will be announced at the ITLS business meeting at the Hilton Tampa, Tampa, Florida on November 4. There will be no voting on site at the meeting.

If you have any questions about the 2021 elections, please contact ITLS Executive Director Ginny Kennedy Palys at