Improving Trauma Care Worldwide

ITLS Call for Volunteers

ITLS Call for Volunteers

New Committee Structure
Adopted by the Board of Directors in December 2023, International Trauma Life Support is delighted to announce the unveiling of its enhanced committee structure, aimed at further advancing its mission and goals.

Committees can be a practical way to handle a task on the board’s agenda or provide counseling and advice. Their role is to help structure and manage the board’s work. Committees are most effective when the board clearly defines their work. It is unusual for a board to give decision-making authority to a committee; its recommendations will still need to be approved by the board.”


All committees report to the ITLS Board of Directors.

 Volunteer Criteria

  • Eligible to serve on no more than two (2) committees.
  • Open to all who are active in their chapter or training centre at any level including but not limited to students, chapter coordinators, medical directors, and more.

As a volunteer of ITLS, you will be expected to:

  • Understand and be familiar with your committee’s mission and goals.
  • Actively participate in all committee meetings including teleconference calls, in-person meetings, and related programs. Most meetings are held quarterly unless otherwise noted.
  • Prepare for the meeting by reviewing the agenda and ready to make knowledge-based decisions if requested.
  • Communicate with your fellow committee members and chairs during meetings, via email, and other methods as deemed necessary.
  • Actively participate and collaborate in all committee tasks/projects as assigned.
  • View and understand the ITLS Volunteer Orientation.
  • Reach out to the ITLS Staff Liaison and ITLS Committee Chair(s) if you have questions or ideas to share.

 Benefits of Volunteering

  • Develop and enhance leadership skills, including communication, teamwork, project management, and problem-solving.
  • Share your expertise, experiences, and knowledge with others.
  • Connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds around the world who share similar experiences and interests.
  • Enhance your professional development by demonstrating your commitment to community service, your ability to work in a team, and your interest in healthcare.
  • Gain an understanding of strategic planning that will help you understand how to align short-term actions with broader ITLS objectives.

ITLS Committees

Awards, Bylaws & Nominating Committee


To foster diverse opportunities in identifying, supporting, and evaluating strategies for future leaders of ITLS through awards & recognition and serving as the guiding body to ITLS to maintain the highest standards of governance and ethical practices within the organization.

The committee oversees the following responsibilities:


  • Review the nominations and awards selection criteria and eligibility.
  • Develop an annual awards nomination plan.
  • Solicit nominations for awards from ITLS chapters, Training Centers, and ITLS Committees.
  • Prepare an award slate for consideration of the Board of Directors.


  • Review bylaws to identify changes that may be required to maintain compliance with governing bodies and ITLS operations.
  • Draft bylaw changes and recommendations as identified by the committee, the delegates, and the Board of Directors in accordance with the ITLS Bylaws to the ITLS Board of Directors.
  • Work with the ITLS Speaker and Vice-Speaker to prepare a presentation to the delegates of proposed bylaw changes for review and consideration.


  • Identify and ensure there is a balance of skills, capabilities, experience, and desires of current and future members of the Board of Directors and the ITLS Board of Directors Executive Committee.
  • Develop an annual nomination plan that considers a diverse slate of candidates including geographic representation, professional background, relevant exposure, experience and skills, and a demonstrated level of commitment to ITLS.
  • Review the nominations and election procedures.
  • Review delegate qualifications and appointment procedures.
  • Solicit nominations for Board nominees from ITLS chapters and ITLS Committees.
  • Review and discuss all nominations for Board of Director positions.
  • Prepare a slate of nominations for the Board and Executive Committee.
  • Present Board nominations to the delegates.
  • Solicit nominations for the Executive Committee from the elected Board of Directors
  • Prepare a slate of nominations for the Executive Committee from the newly elected Board of Directors

Other Committee Duties:

  • Credentialing Committee
    • Volunteers are welcome to assist onsite, but the Chair will oversee Credentialing Committee.
    • Chair will serve as committee chair of the Credentialing Committee and select tellers for the election process.

Marketing & Communications Committee


To raise awareness of the ITLS brand, mission, and goals on a global scale through cultivating and strengthening relationships.


  • Implement elements of the strategic plan for delivery of ITLS information to internal and external groups about new material including through social media, electronic, and traditional communication vehicles.
  • Investigate translations of communications vehicles for information delivery.

Conference Planning Committee


To effectively plan, develop, manage, and execute all sections of the annual International Trauma Conference.

 The committee is dedicated to upholding ITLS excellence in education, training, and research through preconference workshops, programming, speaker selection, collaboration, and strategies to enrich the learning experience at the annual conference.


  • Create an annual work plan and timeline for program development and meetings that designate responsibility for official action on behalf of ITLS and forward it to the Board for action.
  • Continue to review current conference planning needs and develop a strategy for future meetings.
  • Create workgroups as needed to support committee goals and initiatives.

Conference Competition Committee


To create a dynamic and challenging program in alignment with ITLS principles that enhances participants’ skills and knowledge and fosters innovation to excel in trauma care.


  • Ensure the scenarios are challenging and use the best implementations, such as high-fidelity training.
  • Compose innovative scenarios that meet ITLS’s mission and vision expectations.
  • Develop security of scenarios and judgment material with appropriate measures meeting ITLS’s goal.
  • Ensure fair and nondiscriminatory competition that advances the ITLS community.
  • At all times provide a safe environment for all teams and participants during the competition.

Editorial Board


To ensure the continuous improvement of ITLS programs, materials, and methodologies, promoting excellence in trauma care education worldwide.


  • Review current literature and science relevant to ITLS with consideration for impact on curriculum
  • Evaluate and implement an effective educational methodology for the delivery of ITLS programs to diverse audiences
  • Provide expert advice and content to support ITLS communications vehicles on education and trauma
  • Review current student manuals, instructor manuals, audio-visual materials, and evaluation tools for interim and subsequent editions ensuring consistency and adherence to the ITLS principles for all content and materials bearing the ITLS logo and name
  • Ensure that course materials are updated in a coordinated timely manner in co-operation with the publisher
  • Provide input into translations of ITLS products as needed
  • Identify and consider future needs and potential for publications, curriculum development products, and training for Board action. Review new educational proposals and products
  • Provide oversight for educational material development for ITLS.

Strategic Development & Support Advisory Committee


To coordinate strategic planning and goal development and monitors achievement of goals and objectives and provides reports to the Board.

To develop a structure that allows for engaged committee leadership and membership that can address the ITLS Committee mandates while maintaining committee continuity and a line of succession.


  • Develop and implement strategies, with ITLS Board approval, to improve and promote worldwide trauma care.
  • Identify new strategic partnerships and support existing partnerships.
  • Determine barriers and challenges to promoting ITLS within the ITLS community.
  • Assist staff to foster the formation of new ITLS chapters and training centres.
  • Provide a support network for existing and potential chapters and training centres.

Regional Forum Committee

Committee Mission/Purpose:

To Coordinate strategic planning and goal development and monitors achievement of goals and objectives and provides reports.

To develop a structure that allows for engaged committee leadership and membership that can address the ITLS Committee mandates while maintaining committee continuity and a line of succession.


  • Identify region-specific issues and assist Chapters and training centres. Gather regional intelligence on behalf of the Strategic Development & Support Advisory Committee.
  • Provide a venue where Chapters and training centres can provide support and mentorship including quality improvement at the request of the Board of Directors.
  • Collaborate and develop a regional blueprint for identifying ITLS growth opportunities.


Application closed!