ITLS Access teaches skills that are critical for EMS crews and first responders at the scene of a motor vehicle collision. In hands-on modules, you will learn how to reach, stabilize, and extricate trapped victims, with a special focus on patient care during extrication.
The 8-hour course trains you in how to use hand tools and items found on the scene or carried on an ambulance or first responder unit, instead of hydraulics. In addition to techniques for traditional vehicles, we have expanded the scope to include hybrid vehicles, trucks, buses, and small aircraft.
The course manual is the 3rd edition Access: First On Scene – Rapid Vehicle Entry text. Buy online now
Course length: 8 hours
Didactic and Skills:
The Tools to Do the Job
Call for Help and Set-Up
Vehicle Stabilization
Stabilizing the Victim
Packaging and Transfer
ITLS Access courses use actual wrecked cars for students to practice skills for stabilization and extrication hands-on. A majority of the course content is focused on practical skills.
Among the procedures taught are: